Sabtu, 24 September 2011

How to access and edit /system partition on Viewsonic Viewpad 10s?


You want to remove factory apps

You want to add some apps that must be on /system partition (e.g.: Android Market)

You want to add apps in system partition to save data partition



ROOTED device

FileExpert (Latest: v3.2.6,

Download FileExpert

Install & Open

Press Menu, select More, Settings

Select File Explorer Settings, tick Root Explorer (at the bottom)

Open /system, press Menu, select More, Mount, Mount As Read Write

Copy any .apk file to /system for testing

NB: don’t forget to change Permission so the app won’t FC.

Press and hold desired file, select File Operations, Permission. Ticks every box below Read and Write, except All below Write. (5 ticks total)

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